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  • Data collection and interpretation (Geology, Geophysics, Hydrochemistry, Isotopes)

  • Design of the conceptual model

  • Design of the numerical model

  • Calibration of the model using the Pilot Points approach.

  • Uncertainty analysis.

  • Water balance estimation.

  • Recommendations regarding sustainable exploitation of the resources

Djibouti Gulf aquifer pumping.JPG
Djibouti Gulf aquifer_K distribution.JPG
Djibouti Gulf aquifer_K cale.JPG

Calibrated Hydraulic Conductivity field (K, m/h) highlighting a very strong heterogeneity of the basaltic aquifer

On the site of the Gulf basalts aquifer during a pumping test. With Dr Jalludin, Head of the CERD, and Djiboutian colleagues

Modeling of the Gulf basalts aquifer. Republic of Djibouti, Horn of Africa.

Modeling of the Guelmin aquifer (Morocco)

  • Synthesis of knowledge, in particular recharging modes, with evidence of upward drainage.

  • Boundary conditions. Development of the conceptual model.

  • Calibration in steady and transient regimes.

  • Model sensitivity analysis with respect to hydraulic conductivity, evapotranspiration and riverbed conductance.

  • Estimation of the water budget.

  • Simulations of artificial recharge methods taking account of climatic hazards.

  • Simulations of water resource management scenarios.


Calibration of the groundwater model

Modeling of the Chari-Baguirmi aquifer (Chad)

  • Data interpretation (Geology, Geophysics, Hydrochemistry, Isotopes)

  • Understanding of the increasingly drop in piezometric levels of the Chari Baguirmi aquifer

  • Analysis of the relatiions with the Lake Chad

  • Groundwater flow. Boundary conditions.

  • Recharges processes. Water budget of the system.

  • Design of the conceptual model. Design of the numerical model

  • Calibration of the model.

  • Water balance estimated by the model

During a field trip in the Chari-Baguirmi basin. With Dr H.Abouramane, University of N’Djaména (on the right). On the background, a spectacular outcrop of granite rocks weathering in balls.


Simulation of the groundwater displaying the large natural piezometric depression

Modeling of the Gave de Pau alluvial aquifer. Baudreix-Mirepeix and Boeil-Bezing area.

  • Interpretation of all available data.

  • Development of the conceptual model.

  • Numerical modeling of the aquifer.

  • Location of a wellfield. Analysis of its impact on the groundwater. Interpretation of a tracing test (effective porosity, dispersivity).

  • Simulation of contaminant propagation in the aquifer and analysis of the risks incurred by the wellfield.

  • Estimation of the close and distant protection perimeters for the wellfield.

Gave de Pau.JPG

DEM of the study area

Modeling of the Haouz aquifer (Morocco) and artificial recharge simulation.

  • Data interpretation and design of the conceptual model

  • Calibration of the model using a geostatistical approach

  • Simulation of various artificial recharge scenarios of the groundwater

Modeling of diffuse pollution of a karstic aquifer by agricultural fertilizers (Aume Couture, France)


Modeling of the Dogger aquifer in Poitou, France. Simulation of climate change impacts. Management of the groundwater resource.


Analysis and modeling of denitrification processes in crystalline fissured aquifers. Brittany, France.


Modeling and assessment of water resources of a multilayer aquifer system. The Turonian-Cenomanian system in Charente-Maritime. France.


Modeling of flow and pollutant transport in karstic systems (aquifer of La Rochefoucauld, France; aquifer of Aume-Couture, France).

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