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Razack Groundwater Consulting


​Hydrogeology  Modeling  Training

RGC is a professional consultancy in Applied Hydrogeology.

RGC has extensive experience (more than 30 years) in Applied Hydrogeology, specifically in numerical modeling to investigate aquifer systems. Numerous case studies in France and abroad.

RGC offers also training in Hydrogeology, Modeling and associated fields.

Expertise Overview
  • Hydrogeology .

  • Pumping & Tracing Tests.

  • Wells Hydraulics.

  • Groundwater Modeling.

  • Groundwater Pollution & Vulnerability.

  • Hydrochemistry and Isotopes.

  • Complex GW Systems: Multilayer Systems, Karstic Systems, Fractured Systems.

  • Coastal Aquifers.

  • Water Resources Assessment, Development and Management.

  • GIS, RS and Mapping.

Model Applications
  • Groundwater Resources Assessment, Management and Exploitation.

  • Wellfields Design and Optimization.

  • Well Head Protection.

  • Groundwater / Surface Water Interaction.

  • Seawater Intrusion.

  • Contaminant Fate and Transport

  • Impact of Waste Disposals and Stone/Sand Quarries on GW.

  • Artificial Recharge.

  • Dewatering Design.

  • Climate Change Impact

  • General Hydrogeology

  • Modeling

  • Geostatistics

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